Let’s Recap! At Hang Time this semester, we’ve had an impactful time diving deep into topics like “What is Truth?”, “Why should we believe the Bible?”, “What does Christian lifestyle look like?”, and “What is sin and how can we be restored through God?”
We’ve had students asking really great questions about these topics. So over the course of our Hang Time Christmas Hiatus, we’ve love to give students the opportunity to keep diving into some of these topics on their own or with a friend! Our team has created a 15 day study on Right Now Media – a FREE-TO-YOU online platform!
1. Click here to create an account under Camp Sonshine.
2. Create New Account (Login in as a “Member”)
3. Browse content for “Hang Time Bible Interaction”.
4. Begin the Hang Time Winter Study!
We hope you and/or your student have some great time diving deeper into learning more about God and how they can have a loving relationship with HIM!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
Happy Learning!