
Day Camp Parent GUIDE

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All of your questions about day camp at Camp Sonshine will be answered here. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office at 402.423.8746 or email us at info@campsonshinememories.org! 



First of all, allow us to thank you for choosing Camp Sonshine this summer. We are so excited to be a part of your family’s life and look forward to providing your child and the rest of your family an exciting and positive camp experience.

In order to provide you the best service possible and to answer any questions that you may have about camp, we have put together this guide. The following pages are filled with valuable information that will enable you and your child to make the most of your experience at Camp Sonshine this summer.

Our commitment to your satisfaction extends to all of our planning and preparations for the summer, so we are working long and hard to make this the best season ever. We are dedicated to providing a safe, fun-filled, and rewarding summer camp experience for your child, so he or she will come away with positive, unforgettable “memories that last a lifetime.”

Please know that we are available to discuss your child’s progress and development at camp at any time. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and any questions you may have.

Again, we thank you for joining the Camp Sonshine family and for allowing us to serve you and your family this summer.


Jeff & Trisha Keiser, Camp Sonshine Directors


Contact Us
Address: 13440 South 25th St. Roca, NE 68430
Email: info@CampSonshineMemories.org
Web: www.CampSonshineMemories.org
Phone: (402) 423-8746

Camp Hours
Please feel free to call Camp Sonshine during our office hours.

Non-Camp Season Hours
Mon – Fri 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Camp Season Hours
Mon – Fri 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Day Camp Site Locations
Camp Sonshine – Basecamp: 13440 S 25th St., Roca, NE 68430
Camp Sonshine – Shiloh: 2260 W Wittstruck Rd, Roca, NE 68430

The Camp Day 

Staggered Drop Off & Pick Up

Drop Off/Pick Up at Sonshine – 9:00-9:20 and 4:20-4:40
Drop Off/Pick Up at Shiloh – 9:20-9:40 and 4:00-4:20 

AM Extended Camp 7:30am – 9 am
PM Extended Camp 4:40pm – 6pm
(Extended Camp services are optional)

Day Camp Program Options

Explorer 1-2 grade @ Sonshine
Adventure 3-4 grade @ Sonshine
High Adventure 5-6 grade @ Shiloh
Teen Adventure 7 – 9 grade @ Shiloh
Leader in Training 7-9th grade @ Sonshine
*programs based on grade entering in fall

Please Note:

  • Contacting Us – Our Office Manager does a tremendous job answering your emails and phone calls, answering any questions you may have and resolving most situations right away. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message or email info@campsonshinememories.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
  • Camp Directors – Please note that during the summer, the camp directors are often out with the campers during the day. If they are unable to take your call, they will call you back as soon as they are available.



Camp Sonshine loves this easy option for parents to get pictures of their child’s favorite camp memories!

Waldo is a revolutionary app that finds photos of your camper amongst the hundreds of photos we take each week and to securely deliver them right to your phone where you can save, share, or print them at your convenience. If you choose to use this service, there is a small fee associated. 

Sign up for this service during registration on your online portal! Please note: In order to utilize the facial recognition service that Waldo provides, you must sign up by Monday morning at 10 a.m.! Otherwise, an album of the week’s pictures will be available at the end of your session.

Check our rates & dates page for cost. 



Due to the popularity and growing size of Camp Sonshine and its programs, it is important for us to work together to create the safest and most efficient arrival and departure times as possible. Below are a few areas that we would like to highlight for all of our camp families to not only be aware of, but for you to personally take responsibility for as you travel to and from Camp Sonshine.

Two Day Camp Drop Off Locations

  • Explorer, Adventure & LITs Drop Off Location – Camp Sonshine, 13440 S 25th Street, Roca, NE 68430
  • High Adventure / Teen Adventure Drop Off Location – Camp Sonshine – Shiloh, 2260 W Wittstruck Rd, Roca, NE 68430 (Please make sure to follow map instructions in your pre-session email.)

*High Adventure / Teen Adventure campers can be dropped off directly at Shiloh or at Sonshine if signed up for Extended Camp or dropping off siblings.

Getting to Sonshine

Best way to camp is by using Saltillo Road to South 25th Street when approaching from the north or Roca Road (Hwy 33) to South 25th Street when approaching from the south.  By each person doing their part we can ensure the safest, most enjoyable arrivals and departures possible.

Navigating the Curves – As many of you know, Camp Sonshine is situated between two 90 degree turns. Use extreme caution as you drive through these turns. Stay in your lane, drive slowly and keep your eyes looking ahead for oncoming traffic. Always look both ways prior to turning into camp’s driveway. Depending on your starting location, take caution when using a GPS or other online mapping tool.

Getting to Shiloh

This is a great new location for Camp Sonshine and provides an excellent rural location for our High Adventure & Teen Adventure campers. Please be in the habit of approaching Shiloh from the west using Southwest 29th Street and then turning onto Wittstruck. Wittstruck road to the east of the camp driveway is not graveled, and during any rain, that portion of the road becomes impassible. Avoid getting stuck in the mud and the cost of a tow-truck by always planning to arrive from the west.

Important tips for driving on gravel:

Regardless of which direction you come from, in order to get to camp, you will have to drive down our gravel road. We are grateful for all the work our county puts into maintaining our road and we want to do our part to ensure the road is not only safe, but not being abused.

  • Speed – Although the allowable speed is much greater, we would ask that all camp families greatly limit their speed during peak camp traffic times.
  • Washboards – A natural phenomenon of gravel roads is the washboard effect that occurs. Caution should be used when driving over these to avoid loss of control.
  • Soft Shoulders – Gravel roads are notorious for having soft shoulders. Take care not to get too close to the edge and risk being pulled into the ditch. Additional caution should be used when approaching oncoming cars.
  • Rain – During times of heavy and frequent rain, gravel roads may become softer than normal and potholes can develop. Watch your speed to avoid sliding, mudslinging, or hitting a pothole.
  • Dust – Dust is just a natural part of driving on a gravel road, however, steps can be taken to reduce the risk of dust becoming a danger to yourself and others. Slower speeds kick-up less dust and less dust creates less risk. If a large amount of dust is “hanging” in the air and reducing visibility, use extra caution and lower your speed even further.

Camper Safety

Whether you are driving on grounds or walking through the parking lot with your children, please use extreme caution as you move around grounds during Arrival and Departure. Help us ensure that these times are both safe and efficient by doing the following:

  • Allow extra time on the first day of a session for pick-up and drop-off.
  • Follow all instructions given by camp staff and/or parking attendants.
  • Keep small children close when walking through parking lots or crossing traffic lanes.
  • Be patient. Take your time getting into and out of parking stalls.
  • Please do not allow campers to ride outside of your vehicle while on camp property.

Carpooling / Bus Transportation

Two easy ways to reduce the amount of traffic coming and going each day at camp is to participate in carpools or utilizing our bus transportation.

  • Carpools – Many camp families participate in a carpool and have enjoyed the opportunity to meet new families from their neighborhood as well as saving a pretty penny at the pump from not having to drive out every day. In your registration information, you can ask to be put on our carpool list! We’ll send you information to connect with other camp families from your neighborhood.
  • Bus Transportation – Check out our 8 safe, fun, and affordable bus stops in town. The camp experience starts or ends early for those on the bus, because our bus counselors make the ride a fun experience!



During DROP OFF AND PICK UP time, our staff will be fully available to guide and assist you.

We encourage everyone other than campers to stay in your car while on camp grounds. A staff member will escort your camper to and from your car. If you need to park for any reason, please notify a staff member, and we will be happy to direct you to an available parking space.


Staggered Drop Off 

Drop Off at Sonshine – 9:00-9:20
Drop Off at Shiloh – 9:20-9:40

Staggered Pick Up Between The Two Day Camp Locations

Pick Up at Shiloh – 4:00-4:20 
Pick Up at Sonshine – 4:20-4:40

Early Pick Ups

Early Pick ups at Sonshine MUST Be Scheduled To Occur Before 3:45
Early Pick ups at Shiloh MUST Be Scheduled To Occur Before 3:30

Regular Day Drop-Off Options:

  • Quick-Drop Lane – We suggest utilizing the Quick-Drop Lane at the appropriate arrival area to drop off your child and one of our staff members will take your child to his or her group.
  • Parking Lot – If needed, you may always park in one of the lots and a staff member will be available to answer any questions you may have and/or go with you to escort your camper to his or her group.

Authorized Pick-Up Person Cards
During pick up time our staff will be available to guide and assist you with a smooth and quick departure. Please have your “Authorized Pick-up Person Card” out and visible for our staff to see when you arrive. A few days before your session, you will receive two “Authorized Pick-up Person” cards in the mail. For the security of all our campers, please be prepared to show this card upon request whenever you or someone else comes to pick up your child/children.  If you did not receive cards by the Saturday before your session or if you need additional cards, please ask a director on Monday morning!

Quick Pick-up – Our staff members will be there to assist you and to get your child for you. When using the quick pick-up lane, please stay in your vehicle and pull all the way forward. Your child’s name will be called out and a staff member will walk them to your car. 


Early Drop-Offs (AM Extended Camp): If you arrive before 8:45 AM, your child will be checked in at Extended Camp (see more info below) and you will be charged, unless you have already signed up for Extended Camp in advance. There is a one-time use cost for Extended Camp and a weekly rate. The fee must be paid at the time of registration or when the camper is dropped off ($35 all week or $10/day). If using Extended Camp, please arrive before 8:45. Line for regular drop-off starts at this time.

Late Drop-Offs: If you arrive late, please park your vehicle in front of the BROWN Barn – a staff member will come to your car to escort your camper to their group. For safety purposes, the camp staff need to know which campers are on grounds at all times, as well as any visitors that are on the grounds. After updating our attendance records, we will take your child to his or her group.

Early Pick-Ups: ALL EARLY PICK-UPS MUST BE SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE PRIOR TO 3:45 PM. If you need to pick up your child early, you must notify the office at least 30 minutes in advance so we can have your child ready to go. Best way to do this is to fill out our Early Pick Up Form or call the office! To prepare all of our campers for a positive and safe departure, no early pick-ups will be granted after 3:45 PM. Please let us know if someone other than the regular caregiver must pick up your child, and make sure that person has an “Authorized Pick-Up Person” card.

Late Pick-Ups: If you arrive after 4:40 PM, your child will have been checked in at Extended Camp and you will be charged for its use, unless you have already signed up for Extended Camp in advance. The cost is $10 per afternoon for a one-time use of Extended Camp, and the fee must be paid at the time the camper is picked up.



When using the Quick-Drop Off Lane, please do not exit your vehicle for any reason. If you wish to hug your camper goodbye, apply sunscreen/bug spray, or check backpacks for lunches or water bottles, then we ask that you pull forward to a parking lot so the drop-off lane can continue to move quickly and efficiently. 

When using Quick-Drop Off Lane, pull your car as far forward as possible and wait for a staff member to signal to you that it is safe to unload.

If you have campers at multiple arrival areas, you will need to drop them off at each of the arrival areas to ensure a smooth and safe arrival experience for your campers.



  • AM Extended Camp: 7:30 – 8:45 AM
  • Gates Closed: 8:45 – 9:00 AM*
  • Arrival: 9:00 – 9:20 AM

*If you arrive when the gates are closed (8:45 – 9:00 AM), you will need to drop off your camper at extended camp and you will be charged for the early morning drop off to comply with county requirements of not backing up to 25th Street. PLEASE PLAN TO ARRIVE AT CAMP BETWEEN 9-9:20. 


  • Gates Closed: 3:45 – 4:20 PM
  • Departure: 4:20 – 4:40 PM
  • PM Extended Camp: 4:40 – 6:00 PM



  • AM Extended Camp: 7:30 – 8:45 (Drop Off at Sonshine, No Extended Camp Offered at Shiloh.)
  • Bus from Sonshine to Shiloh: 9:20 – 9:40
  • Gates Closed: 9:00 – 9:20 AM
  • Arrival: 9:20 – 9:40 AM


  • Gates Closed: 3:45 – 4:00 PM
  • Departure: 4:00 – 4:20 PM
  • Bus from Shiloh to Sonshine: 3:55 – 4:10
  • PM Extended Camp: 4:40 – 6:00 PM (Pick up at Sonshine, No Extended Camp Offered at Shiloh.)



  • Safe & Fun! – Our specially-trained bus counselors supervise and make the ride fun & comfortable for campers! Riding the bus to camp means that camp starts early for campers!
  • Affordable – Our new lower prices for make it affordable for families!
  • Convenient – We’ve doubled the convenient locations for 8 options and more times available!
  • Saves You Time – Don’t worry about a line on location at camp.
  • Keep A Clean Car! – No driving down the gravel road!
  • One Stop Drop Off – Have kids / friends in multiple programs and both day camp sites? Only worry about one drop off location!

Check out our bus schedule here. Sign up for a bus stop on your online portal or call the office at 402-423-8746.


  • All passengers must wear his or her seat belt at all times while the vehicle is in motion and be seated properly in his or her own seat.
  • A visual roll call will be taken whenever the vehicle is ready to leave.
  • There will be no activities or actions allowed that could result in distracting the driver or interfering with the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Nothing should be thrown inside the vehicle or outside of the windows. Respect will be shown to other vehicles on the road and participants should not post signs, pictures, or make offensive gestures to other motorists.
  • Only specifically approved songs are allowed to be played in camp vehicles. Movies are not to be shown in vehicles unless previously approved by a director and then only as an integral part of the programming.
  • Personal bags and/or belongings should be placed underneath the seat or in any available storage space in the back. Personal items are not allowed to block the aisle way or exits.
  • The “Five Camp Rules” are to be followed and remain in effect even on an off-site trip.



Extended hours are offered as a convenience option for parents. Campers dropped off before 9:00 AM or not picked up by 4:40 PM will be checked into Extended Camp. The cost is the same whether you use all or part of the maximum time each morning or afternoon. Enrollment in Extended Camp covers each morning or each afternoon for the entire session.


All Week AM = $35 per week (7:30 – 8:45 AM)

All Week PM = $35 per week (4:45 – 6:00 PM)

One-time use = $10 per use

Be prepared to show your “Authorized Pick-Up Person” card.

For a more affordable option, Check out our bus schedule here


Rotating Activities

Campers will have the opportunity to try many different types of activities over the course of the week. Some of the activities that campers will rotate through include: Archery, Off-road Go-karts, Creation Station (Arts & Crafts), Nature, Sports, Swimming, Bible Discovery Time/Chapel, Counselor Planned Activity Time, Swimming, and more!

Tacky Tuesday

Tacky Tuesday is an optional way day campers can show off their creativity and imagination! 

Session 1 – Safari Day!
Session 2 – Pirates v. Ninjas Day!
Session 3 – Tie Dye v. Camo Day! 
Session 4 – Go Big Red! Day!
Session 5 – USA! USA! USA! Day! 
Session 6 – Crazy Hair Day! 
Session 7 – Silly Hat vs. Silly Socks Day!
Session 8 – Countries of the World Day!
Session 9 – Hawaiian Day! 
Session 10 – Hero Day!

Swimming & Water Activities

Camp Sonshine campers and their counselors have always loved the fun and games associated with swimming and water activities. This is always a great time to cool off, play games, and spend some time with friends. Camp provides a variety of high energy water activities and a swimming pool facility for campers and counselors to stay cool!

Pool Location: Our pool area is located just behind the Camp Barn. The pool is surrounded by a gated fence to prevent unauthorized access outside of scheduled swim times. The pool is primarily 3½‘ – 4’ in depth with a roped-off landing zone for the water slide that reaches 5’.

Personnel: Camp Sonshine hires a certified lifeguard to monitor all swimming activities and to maintain a safe pool experience for our campers. Group counselors are always present and actively participating in pool activities.

Swimming Ability: On our camper application form you were asked to select a swim level that best represents the swimming ability of your child. If you have not done so, please go online to your registration and select a swim level for your camper(s). We use this information to guide us as we conduct swimming evaluations with the kids.

Any rating system can be objective so it is important to us that our counselors are familiar and comfortable with your child’s swimming ability. We will never move a camper to a higher level without parental approval, but a camper may be moved to a lower level if it is determined to be best for the safety of the child.

Swim Levels

RED – No Swim
YELLOW – Must Use Life Jacket
GREEN – May Swim Unrestricted

Need to change a swim level?
Call the office or go to the Swim Level Form on our Parent Resources Page!

Water Slide:
Campers wishing to use the water slide will be evaluated by the lifeguard for comfortability using the slide and an ability to resurface and swim to the ladder. A slide bracelet will be issued to campers for continued use of slide during the scheduled pool time.

Life Jackets:
Campers needing to swim with a life jacket will need to bring one from home. Life jackets need to be checked in with a Head Counselor on Monday morning. It will be tagged with the camper & counselor name and stored in the pool shed until the group’s swim time. Life jackets can be picked up at the end of the week.

Bathing Suits:
As always, it is important to pack a modest bathing suit (due to the nature of an active camp environment) and towel for your child on the days he or she has water activities scheduled.


Location – Camp Sonshine – Basecamp, 13440 S. 25th Street, Roca, NE

Activities –  Campers can look forward to enjoying activities such as archery, moon bounce, petting zoo, snack shack, assembly, swimming, oasis, outdoor cooking, wilderness ranger, fort building, Discovery Time, drama, go karts, and much more!

Theme Days –  Explorer (1 – 2 grade) Theme Day is Thursday. Adventure (3 – 4 grade) Theme Day is Wednesday! 

Late Stays – Sonshine campers have the opportunity to sign up for the Late Stay on Friday night. Pick up on Friday night at 9 p.m.


Location – Camp Sonshine – Shiloh, 2260 W Wittstruck Rd., Roca, NE 68430

Activities –  In addition to the regular line-up of the most popular camp activities, campers also participate in off-road go-karts, paintball, axe throwing, Archey Tag, slingshots, kayaking, electives, group planned activity time, gel blasters, and much more!

Field Trips to Sonshine & Solaris – HA & TA’s home base is at Shiloh, and campers will take trips to Sonshine & Solaris for a variety of activities! Check out our parent resources page for sample schedule!

Swimming at Solaris Pond – HA & TA campers will take a field trip to Solaris to utilize a variety of activities including the swimming pond. All campers and staff will wear lifejackets in the pond whenever using water activities or outside of the roped off swimming area. Campers with a yellow swim band will need to wear a lifejacket at all times.

Overnighters – This year, HA & TA campers have the opportunity to stay for an overnight campout on Friday night! Pick up on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. at Shiloh! Pick up on Friday night at 10:00 is available upon request. All campers are invited to join the End of Session Celebration on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. at Shiloh!


At Camp Sonshine, we believe that teens are capable of making a positive difference in their world. We actively seek to provide teens with meaningful experiences, to not only learn what it means to be a leader and take on additional responsibilities, but to also give them the confidence to make positive contributions at home, in their schools and around their communities.

LITs can register for this camper program on your online dashboard!

LIT Program (7th – 9th Grade)

LIT stands for “Leader In Training”. This is our traditional leadership training program and a great building block for all of our other leadership and teen programs. Teens in this program have the opportunity to:

  • Assist in monitoring and maintaining group control
  • Help create a safe environment for campers
  • Assist with activities and theme day rotations
  • Practice leadership skills daily in a variety of situations
  • Work directly with and assist a trained counselor with K-4th grade groups
  • Gain practical leadership experience to put on college and scholarship applications

LIT Nuts & Bolts

Late Stays: Late Stays are optional for LITs but they are encouraged to sign up and attend to assist with the facilitation of our late stay program for campers. There is a special late stay activity planned for LITs to participate in after their responsiblities with campers are complete. Each week’s Late Stay program is different, but may include a field trip to a different Camp Sonshine site!

Lunches: LITs will need to pack their own sack lunch each day.

T-shirts: We ask that LITs wear their LIT shirt each day of camp. One t-shirt will be given for each session attending. Additional t-shirts are available to purchase for $10.

Conduct Agreement: All LITs are required to read and sign a conduct agreement form that outlines desired and acceptable behaviors of a young leader at Camp Sonshine.

Orientation: LIT Orientation will be held on Saturday May 31 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. This orientation is optional but highly encouraged for all LITs, especially for 1st time LITs. You get to meet the counselors you’ll be serving with in the summer and learn some skills that will help you when it comes to assisting in a camper group.


LIT Application Process

1. Register – Teens can be registered for the LIT program by a parent utilizing our regular Online Registration process.

2. Supplemental Application (See Parent Resource Page) – In addition to the regular application, teens are asked to complete an LIT Supplemental Application. The application process is designed to help teens think about their current views and beliefs concerning leadership, what their goals will be in regards to being an LIT, develop realistic expectations for the program, and to gain valuable skills and experiences that will be beneficial to them in completing future job applications.

First Year LITs need to download and complete Interest Questions, 2 References Forms, and LIT Conduct Agreement Form.

Returning LITs need to download and complete LIT Conduct Agreement Form ONLY!


For both the Late Stays & Overnighters, there is an extra registration fee that covers dinner and an evening full of activities! Campers participate in a wide variety of special activities planned specifically for the Late Stay/Overnighter. Large group games, roasting marshmallows, cooking dinner over a campfire, and a special bonfire time, will create unforgettable summer camp memories!

Late Stay @ Sonshine – For Sonshine campers (Explorer, Adventure & LITs), campers have the opportunity to sign up for the Late Stay on Friday night. Pick up on Friday night at 9 p.m.

Overnighter @ Shiloh – For Shiloh campers (High Adventure & Teen Adventure), campers have the opportunity to stay for an overnight campout on Friday night! Pick up on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. where the whole family is invited for a pancake breakfast!

Pick Up & End of Session Closure – All family members are invited to join us for an end of session celebration, complete with an end of session highlight video, when picking up your camper at the conclusion of the overnighter or late stay.


Every day during the week, groups stop by “Nana’s Snack Shack” to purchase a small treat or a refreshing ice cream. Snacks range in price from $.50 – $2 and other camp merchandise range from $2 – $20.

There will be free flavor ice available during group visits for those campers who did not bring any money. “Nanas” do their very best to make sure snack money is “used wisely.”

We suggest that parents deposit money (via the camper online dashboard) into their snack shack account to avoid campers carrying money around all day. Account credits may be used for the snack shack upon request.

Where Do I Deposit Snack Shack Money?

  • Online Portal When You Register or During The Week
  • When In Doubt, Call The Office!

Example Snack Shack / Camp Store Items & Prices

The list below are examples of what campers might find in the snack shack and is an example of range or price and variety of items. Availability of items varies during summer. 

  • $.25 – Fruit Snacks, Popsicle, Twizzlers
  • $.50 – Airhead, Italian Ice
  • $.75 – Cheez-its, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Donettes, Gushers, Ring Pop, Goldfish
  • $1 – Button, Skinny Pop(corn), Stickers, Gatorade, Ice Cream Cup, Ice Cream Sandwich, Bomb Pop, Ice Cream Bar
  • $1.50 – Lemon Ice, Mini Ice Cream Cone, Strawberry Italian Ice, Fruit Bar, Cherry Italian ice, Foam Ball
  • $2 – Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich, Beef Jerky, M&Ms, Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich, Skittles, Toothbrush, Fidget Keychain, Sour Patch Kids, 
  • $3 – 6 – Lanyard, Necklace, Bracelet, Button Starter Pack, Headbands, Keychain, Mood Ring, Carabiner, Clearance Shirt, Flashlight, Sunglasses, Animal Necklace, Mini Binocular, Journal, Necklace, and much more!
  • $9 – Mug
  • $10 – Shirt, Small Stuffed Animal (Pocket Pets)
  • $12 – Stuffed Animal
  • $15 – Dad Hat
  • $20 – Large Stuffed Animal
  • $38 – Hoodie


It has always been Camp Sonshine’s policy that campers and group counselors are NOT PERMITTED to bring electronics to camp, which include but not limited to: cell phone, smart watches, handheld gaming devices, laptops, iPods, iPads, etc. Not only are these devices expensive and can be lost or severely damaged in an outdoor camp setting, but their use also interferes with and even undermines a child’s complete camp experience.

We believe that being at camp is an opportunity for your camper to experience a world beyond home. This allows children and youth to develop autonomy, independence, and a stronger sense of self. It allows them to make new friends, take responsibility for themselves and other members of their camp group, problem solve, and do a bit of maturing. These important developmental milestones cannot be achieved when parents are only a text or phone call away.

For some campers, this is the first setting where they are given the opportunity to make decisions without the input of a parent, while still being in a positive and supportive environment. Being “unplugged” is good for a child’s development. Growing in one’s ability to make decisions, deal with difficulties and navigate peer interactions builds resilience and is a vital piece of growing up and maturing.

Our Electronics Policy is designed to:

  • Encourage each child to spend more time in the outdoors
  • Promote socialization between campers
  • Remove the divide between “the haves and the have-nots” in each group
  • Remove the issues associated with the damage to and theft of electronics
  • Give your children a much needed break from the world of technology
  • Allow your children to fully embrace and “plug into” the connections they make with other campers as they “unplug” from their electronics
  • Ensure that your children are not exposed to inappropriate content & material
  • Ensure that campers cannot post camp photos of other campers on the internet
  • Ensure that campers are not focusing on uncontrollable situations involving friends at home
  • Prevent your children from hearing about situations and incidents concerning home and family members before their parents have a chance to communicate with them

Remind yourself why your son/daughter is going to camp. You’ve sent your son or daughter off for a new experience, and for a reason. Having your kids spend time with their fellow campers rather than texting friends back home will ensure a more valuable and memorable camp experience.

Connect the old fashioned way. You may miss hearing your kid’s voice, but nothing beats a letter from your sleep-away camper telling you about new friends and new experiences at camp. And for your kid, nothing beats a letter from home with news of familiar places and people, filled with expressions of love and “We miss you.”

Tech that Works.

Send a digital or disposable camera – Campers can capture their memories without the worry of losing an expensive phone or camera alternative!

Get updates and pictures from our Social Media, or sign up for Waldo Photos!

Send us an email – We’ll give it to your camper during the week (works great for overnight campers at Camp Solaris – info@campsonshinememories.org).


At Camp Sonshine, we focus on the need and growth of both the individual camper and the overall group. In order to maintain a positive and safe environment, our campers are expected to follow the Camper Code of Conduct.


Our commitment to each parent and child is to do our best to create a safe and fun experience, which naturally requires an effective strategy for working with a child who is creating a situation that is unsafe for him/her or for others. Safety includes both physical and emotional safety. If a child creates a situation where a disciplinary process is necessary, we look to parents to partner with us to help the child learn what are acceptable limits and boundaries. All disciplinary efforts are based on the following practices. 



Minor Behaviors

We know that kids will be kids and we have an effective, grace filled process for working with campers when they may momentarily stray out of bounds behaviorally. Camp staff love every camper and are committed to helping campers navigate these situations successfully.

The Five Camp Rules

The “Five Camp Rules” are a big part of our philosophy at Camp Sonshine. They establish the framework for the camp community to flourish, and help create a safe place – physically and emotionally – for all campers. If your child is new to camp, it may be helpful to familiarize him or her with the camp rules before camp starts.

  • No cut-downs…because we want camp to be a place where campers feel accepted, encouraged and loved.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself…because we want campers to feel safe physically and to have their personal space respected.
  • No whining or complaining…because there are better ways to express opinions and feedback. We want camp to be a positive place, and words should be used in a positive way.
  • No talking when someone else is talking…because people are important and what they have to say is too. If someone is saying something important, we all want to listen; and when you say something important, everyone else will listen to you as well.
  • Stay with your group…because that’s where the action is.  The camp program is designed to be experienced within the context of the group.

Serious Behaviors

Our staff understands that the vast majority of camper misbehavior will be minor or inconsequential and handled within the group. Sometimes, however, a child’s misbehavior may be more serious and require additional intervention by camp leadership. The following are some examples of what constitutes serious misbehavior at camp:

  • Refusing to follow instructions, directions, or safety rules
  • Disrupting the program process
  • Behavior requiring constant attention from staff
  • Leaving the group without permission
  • Inflicting physical or emotional harm on other children or staff
  • Fighting
  • Inappropriate language
  • Uncontrollable Meltdowns
  • Making verbal threats of violence


When a child breaks a camp rule or their behavior creates a risk for the emotional or physical health and safety of another child or the staff, the following procedures shall be followed:

  • We understand that kids make mistakes—that’s part of learning and growing! First time infractions simply involve communication with the involved campers to provide clarity on expectations and next steps if behavior continues. 
  • The child is separated from the problem activity or situation.
  • A staff member listens to the child to better understand the situation and to discuss alternative choices and consequences of further misbehavior.
  • Repeated misbehavior will be handled by separating the child from the group and a conference with a camp director and/or phone call with the parent, if necessary.
  • The parent, child and staff agree to a plan that will improve the child’s behavior, or we may need to consider whether continuing at camp is the best option for your child’s well-being and the group’s safety.

Refunds for Behavior

There are no refunds for a camper dismissed from the camp program for behavior issues.


While a week (or multiple weeks) of camp does serve as a form of childcare for families, an experience at Camp Sonshine is focused more on character, spiritual and leadership development in children and youth, and is not to be viewed merely as a childcare service. Many families utilize Camp Sonshine as a form of summer childcare, understanding that the camp program can be more active and tiring than other more traditional childcare options. While providing additional camp impact and memories, attending multiple sessions in a row can result in exhaustion, irritability and defiance in some children that further leads to undesired behaviors at camp.

Willful Defiance

Willful behaviors that are substantially disruptive to the camp program or create an unsafe situation for the camper or others can not be allowed to continue at camp. We will promptly engage with parents if a camper chooses to ignore or defy instructions from the camp staff or directors and arrangements will be made for the camper to be picked up. Our desire is to partner with parents as we discuss camper progress and work together to ensure a positive and successful camp experience.  Every effort will be made to provide a way for that camper to “try again” the next day but our experience has been that remaining at camp that same day often leads to escalation and further safety risks to others.

Campers always begin each new day with a clean slate, however any behaviors continued from the previous day that pose a serious safety risk to the physical or emotional safety of campers or staff will result in dismissal from the camp program for the remainder of the session.

Steps for Success

  • Registration Process: Communicating any emotional or behavioral considerations to us on your registration form is a confidential way to help our staff support your camper and their camp experience.
  • Pre Camp: Update registration forms with any up-to-date information by going to your online portal or calling the office. Helpful information may include things like recent major life changes (birth of sibling, death of loved one or pet, moving, etc) and strategies or support systems put in place at school or home (Individualized Education Plan, incentives, etc).
  • During Camp: Communication is key for success.  If recurring minor issues or major behavioral incidents occur during a week of camp, our staff will be proactive in reaching out to work together to establish an effective behavior plan.
  • Post Camp: We would like to know what worked and what needs improvement. Please include any thoughts or reflections you have on your End of Session Parent Survey.


    Please send the following things with your child every day:

    • A sack-lunch. Some parents also include a healthy snack.
    • A modest swimsuit & beach towel
    • Water-shoes (optional)
    • Refillable water bottle
    • A dry change of clothes.
    • Sturdy, closed-toe shoes.(Campers will not be able to participate in activities in any type of sandal or flip-flop.)
    • Sunscreen and a hat
    • Parents are reminded to bring the “Authorized Pick-Up Person” card daily.

    Please DO NOT SEND the following things with your child:

    • Do Not Send – Large amounts of money other than snack shack money.
    • Do Not Send – Valuables such as electronics, jewelry, watches, smart watches, cell phones, iPods, etc.
    • Do Not Send – Chewing gum.
    • Do Not Send – Water guns
    • Do Not Send – Animals or bring them among the campers at drop-off and pick-up.
    • Do Not Send – Knives or anything else that may be perceived as a danger to others.
    • No Notes Please – All communication with the camp should be called in to the office.
    • Do Not Send – Trading cards (such as Baseball, Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon)
    • Do Not Send – Please, NO open-toed shoes, sandals or flip-flops.
    • Medications – Campers should never carry daily medications with them (Emergency Medication Only). Parents must check in medications & fill out the medication form on your campers’ online registration dashboard. For information on sending medications, see the Health Procedures & Medications section.
    • (If brought, these items will be kept safely in the office until departure)


    On Saturday afternoon of each session, items are put in the Lost & Found shed at the northeast end of the Red Barn parking lot. The Lost & Found Shed is open 24/7. At the end of each summer, we donate left over items.


    Health Procedures & Medication

    Key leadership staff at Camp Sonshine have been trained in CPR and First Aid and will take care of any basic first aid needs of the campers. It is important to remember that the staff members are not doctors and cannot diagnose injuries/illnesses or prescribe/recommend medication. Please notify the office of any medication your child is presently taking or any condition that you have not specified on the registration form. If your child is sick or recovering, please keep him or her at home as a protection to the other children. Any child having a communicable disease must have a release note sent to the office by a physician.

    Medications at Camp

    If your child will need to take any medications during the camp day, please fill out the MEDICATION FORM on your camper’s online registration dashboard. For the safety of your child and the other children at camp, Please DO NOT send any medication to camp with your child in his or her backpack. An adult needs to bring any medication into the First Aid Supervisor, the office, or give it to a director.

    Emergency Contact Person(s)

    Please be certain that you have designated someone in the immediate vicinity who will be free to pick up your child if you are not available. If you have specific instructions in regards to calling you during the day, please call and let us know (i.e. “call father first, he’s easier to reach”, etc.). Please be sure to update us regarding any changes in home, business, or cell phone numbers.

    Communicable Disease Plan

    Camp Sonshine promotes healthy hygiene practices of staff and campers, performs daily cleaning and disinfection of facilities and activity equipment and encourages groups to spend as much time outdoors as possible building friendships and making memories.

    Illness or Injury at Camp

    We ask that campers stay home if they are sick. Parents will be contacted to take campers home for the following reasons:

    • Fever
    • Nausea/Diarrhea/Vomiting
    • Earache
    • Suspected strep throat
    • Suspected Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
    • Suspected Chicken Pox, measles or other contagious rashes
    • Pediculosis (head lice)
    • Scabies
    • Skin rashes
    • Any injury requiring a doctor’s care
    • When the Camp Directors deem it to be in the best interest of the camper.

    What if my child wakes up sick?

    We realize that keeping an ill child at home may be difficult for working parents. However, for the protection of your child and others, we ask for your cooperation.

    The Camp First Aid Station is primarily a short-term treatment center, not one that is equipped to handle full-day nursing care. If your child wakes up and does not feel well, please allow him or her to spend the day resting comfortably at home in bed.

    We have found that children who come to camp not feeling well do not improve as the day goes on and eventually do need to be picked up. Younger children especially do not have the stamina required to get through a day at camp when they are not feeling well. If your child comes to camp sick, one of our Camp Directors will call you to pick him or her up.



    A $50 non-refundable deposit, per camper, per session is required at the time of registration as minimum payment, if not yet paying in full. The deposit is not a separate fee, but reserves your child’s spot and will be applied toward the full balance. Registrations will not be processed until the deposit is received and the registration form is fully completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian. The $50 deposit as minimum payment is only available until May 1.


    Payments can be made by check, cash, credit card, or money order. There is a $25 fee charged for returned checks. All fees and account balances are due May 1. Full payment, which includes the $50 non-refundable deposit, must accompany registrations that are submitted on or after May 1. A personal payment plan can be set up if you’d like to spread out your payments. Please contact the office for specifics.


    Sometimes plans change. We get that! You may switch sessions at any time if space is available in the week you would like to switch to. In order to transfer the entire session balance, the change request must be made no less than 7 days prior to the start day of the existing registered session.  Change requests made less than 7 days from the start of the registered session will forfeit the $50 deposit. The remaining account credit will be applied to the new session and any additional account balances will be due at the time of the transfer.

    We realize life happens and schedules change.  

    Before May 31 – We’d be happy to transfer the entire amount paid to a future session or leave as a credit on your account. Requests for summer tuition refunds (excluding the deposit) must be received in writing at the camp office prior to May 31. 

    After May 31st – No tuition refunds can be granted after May 31, however, we would be happy to *credit all unused tuition fees, minus the deposit, to your account for future sessions/programs or transfer it to another camper’s account.  Cancellation and refund requests for Extended Camp and Overnighters will be accepted up until the start of the affected session.*Credit (Payment Vouchers) will be valid for 2 years.

    Exception requests to any of the above policies must be received in writing, by emailing the camp office at – info@campsonshinememories.org

    Fee Amounts & Explanations

    Realizing that families have different abilities to pay, we’ve instituted a voluntary tiered pricing program. This pricing structure is voluntary, requires no paperwork, and in no way will affect the experience each child receives.



    Can my kiddos attend more than one week?

    YES – Each week is completely unique and many families already attend camp more than one week OR EVEN ALL 10 SESSIONS!

    Where do you get your amazing staff and are they trained?

    Camp Sonshine counselors come from all over the world. Most are college students working towards a degree in a field working with children. Each person goes through a thorough application process including reference & background checks as well as a team interview conducted by full-time camp staff. Counselors also undergo an intense week of classroom and hands-on training. They truly are the best, are well trained, and all have amazing hearts ready to serve kids.

    Where did the director’s hair go?

    Contrary to popular belief, it is not from working with too many kids over the years. ϑ It was originally cut after campers reached a service project fundraising goal and it’s been that way ever since.

    Have more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!