Give to our current Capital Campaign, the Scholarship Fund,
the General Fund, or to Camp Sonshine International.
See more information below
Give to Making Memories, Changing Lives!
Join the Journey – Build Up Camp Sonshine!

Over the past few years, Camp Sonshine has paid off the Barn & Pool Project, built an Aerial Park at Camp Solaris, built the Pavilion at Camp Sonshine, and seen much growth in many areas!
Camp Sonshine & Camp Solaris Master Site Plan & Long-Term Expansion & Development
Many people don’t realize that we are able to cover all of our operating expenses through camper tuition, which means that 100% of donations can go directly to camper scholarships or to the expansion and development of our site and facilities to accommodate our continually growing enrollment. Camp Sonshine continues to experience major enrollment milestones each this summer! In order for us to continue providing a high quality, life-changing program for our current campers, and to prepare for ongoing long term effectiveness, we are working with Fletemeyer & Lee Associates (a firm that specializes in camp planning) to develop a strategic site plan that will help us to grow efficiently and effectively.
Proposed Updates and Additions @ Camp Sonshine
New Multipurpose Building with Gym, Classrooms, Conference Hall, & Stage, New Nana’s Snack Shack, Multiple Group Pavilions, New Entry Gate & Signage, Amphitheater, Expanded Splash Park, Hiking & Nature Trails, Improved Landscape, Additional Parking Lots, New Perimeter Road & Driveways
Proposed Updates and Additions @ Camp Solaris
New Multipurpose Building with Tornado Shelter, Improve Pond for Swimming Area & Water Recreation, New Gathering Area with Covered Pavilion, Enhanced Landscaping, New & Improved Driveways and Parking, Front Entries Added on Buildings
Would you consider a generous gift to help Camp Sonshine make these dreams a reality?
Camper Scholarship Fund

General Fund

Camp Sonshine International

Camp Sonshine, Nebraska is proud to work in connection with its global outreach partner called Camp Sonshine International. CSI coordinates opportunities for Camp Sonshine counselors, volunteers and camper families to go on trips around the world to bring the love of Jesus to children everywhere through the ministry of Camp Sonshine!
Camp Sonshine, Nebraska sponsors and leads a team that goes to Mezcales, Mexico each year. For more information about Camp Sonshine International, click here!