Parental Consent Form Parental Consent Form Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name(s) of Camper(s)*Authorization*Please check the box beside each statement to indicate that you have read and understand the statement. My child has permission, without restriction, to participate in all snacks, regular and special programming, including out of camp trips, transportation, and Overnighters, unless I notify the camp otherwise in writing. I understand and realize Camp Sonshine will follow safety procedures, but that all physical activities include a certain risk and that Camp Sonshine assumes no liability for injury or damage arising from or as a result of participation. I affirm that I have been advised that any and all camp activities include certain risks and dangers. These risks include, but are not limited to loss of or damage to personal property, injury, or fatality. In consideration of, and as part payment for, the right to participate in all Camp Sonshine activities and the services and food arranged (when applicable) for my child by Camp Sonshine, and its agents, servants, and employees, I have assumed all of the above risks and intending to be legally bound hereby, will hold Camp Sonshine and its agents, servants, and employees harmless from any liability which may arise out of or in connection with any trips and related participation in any other activities arranged for by Camp Sonshine, its agents, servants, and employees. The terms hereof shall serve as a RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK for any minors. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician or dentist selected by the camp to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injections, anesthesia, or surgery for my child. My child’s physician or his/her office should be contacted, if possible. I authorize the camp to administer Children’s Motrin, Children’s Tylenol, Antacid (Tums), Children’s Benadryl, cough drops, and eye drops for appropriate symptoms. I understand that certain topical over-the-counter medicines and products such as Cortizone, Bactine, Caladryl, Benzocaine, Theraputic Grade Essential Oils, sunscreen, and bug spray are used for bee stings, poison ivy, bug bites, abrasions, skin irritations, upset stomachs and preventative measures. If any medicine listed above or any topical medicine is unacceptable, I will notify Camp Sonshine in writing. I also understand that Camp Sonshine reserves the right to dismiss any camper when it is deemed necessary by the directors to be in the best interest of the child or the camp. There will be no refunds for campers dismissed for disciplinary reasons. I also give permission for Camp Sonshine, it's agents, servants and employees to use my child’s name, voice, testimonial, and/or picture in any type of promotional material, press releases, and news stories about camping or Camp Sonshine. I understand I must notify the camp in writing if this is unacceptable. I give Camp Sonshine my permission to give out my phone numbers, email and/or mailing address for carpool lists, social purposes (i.e. birthday parties, play dates, etc.) and other camp related promotions, events or activities. I understand that I can notify the office if this is unacceptable. I understand that by signing this Parental Consent form that I affirm that I am the parent/legal guardian of this camper, that I have read and agree to the above, and assume responsibility for the full payment of camp tuition and fees. Electronic Signature of Parent/Guardian* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Electronic Signature Acceptance* I understand that checking this box and typing my name above constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above terms.