
As you may very well know, Camp Sonshine’s passion is to UNLOCK & UNLEASH kingdom builders through creating a place to BELONG & BECOME. This extends beyond the campers to our staff as well. Staff members love belonging to an organization that is impacting the world and each one of them are also on their own unique journeys of becoming who God created them to be.

Three members of our year round team, Madi Johnson, Cody McNulty, & Chloe McNulty, will be stepping into the next great adventure the Lord has planned for them. 

This is a very bittersweet transition for us all. These three individuals will certainly be missed, but at the same time, we celebrate with them the new opportunities ahead. If you have had the privilege of knowing them, please be sure to take a moment to share your gratitude for their service, and to join us in wishing them well in their next endeavors.

Madi Johson has served 7 summers at Camp Sonshine – the past 2 summers as Program Manager at Shiloh.

A Word From Madi Johnson:

“My journey with Camp Sonshine began the summer after my sophomore year of college. When I arrived at camp I didn’t know anyone. I had no clue what to expect and had a million questions running through my mind. Would I make friends? Would I be able to be my true self? Would this place push me too far out of my comfort zone? Why did the Lord bring me 700 miles away from home to work at this “Camp Sonshine”?

Fast forward “a few” years, I now sit on the other side of these questions. I did find friends – so many friends! I was able to be myself – arguably the most genuine version of myself! I was absolutely pushed out of my comfort zone- resulting in a much bigger comfort zone! Why did the Lord bring Camp Sonshine into my life? I can confidently answer it was for the endless opportunities for me to BECOME more of who God is calling me to be! I am sad to close this chapter of my life – but I am encouraged that as I reflect back on my time here – that I am a better follower of Christ because of Camp Sonshine. 

In this next chapter of my life, I am excited to continue to serve with children and families.  However, I am trading in my dusty sneakers and powder blue staff shirt and putting on “church” clothes? (I’m not sure how to express what people wear when they work at a church – like normal clothes?!). I have taken a job as Director of Children and Family Ministry at a church in Huntington, Indiana. I am so grateful for my time at camp and I leave with so many memories and the friends that accompany those memories! Thank you for allowing me to learn with you, grow with you, and serve alongside you! John 12:26.”

Cody McNulty has served at Camp Sonshine for 6 summers and has served as Program Manager at Solaris for 3 years. 

A Word From Cody McNulty: Serving at Camp Sonshine has been a dream come true for me. Growing up going to camp as a child impacted my life, and getting the opportunity to pour back into people that had poured into me and do it as a job was so rewarding! Seeing all the lives changed for Christ brings me to tears and I will hold onto those memories for a lifetime. I have met so many amazing people along the way who have become some of my best friends now. I would not be who I am today as strong in my faith and as a person without Camp Sonshine.

The experiences I’ve had with Camp Sonshine have grown my confidence in myself and my leadership abilities. First coming into Sonshine, I was very insecure and quiet, not believing I could do anything. The people at Camp Sonshine believed in and empowered me to do great things beyond what I could have ever imagined. I led a whole team of people and a whole overnight experience for three years which I would have never thought I could have done before. I now have confidence in myself that I can do anything and see myself in a much brighter light than I did before coming to work at Sonshine. 

I will be moving back to Michigan to be closer to family and be open to what God might do for me next.”

Chloe McNulty has served at Camp Sonshine for 5 summers and has served as Administration Manager for 3 years. 

A Word From Chloe McNulty: I am so thankful that I was able to have the opportunity to pour into campers and staff the same way I was poured into when I was a camper. Camp Sonshine gave me an opportunity to explore beyond what my eyes could see of my gifts and talents and then be able to implement those in different areas of camp.

I love how intentional the people at Camp Sonshine were about pouring into the leader that God was creating me to be. Serving at Camp Sonshine gave me hands-on examples that can be easily implemented in other areas of life; such knowledge is beyond valuable. I also was able to see the amazing community that comes alongside raising our son. There is so much love, grace and support anytime he was around with everyone who was a part of camp!   

Our next chapter consists of moving to Michigan to raise our kids closer to their grandparents and cousins. We are planning to get involved in the children’s ministry at our church where we will be able to pull out all of our waiting and get to know you games! We truly believe that God has something great in store for us in this next chapter and can’t wait for him to connect all the dots and open the right doors.”