
In early April, Jeff and Trisha Keiser, founders of Camp Sonshine, flew to Zambia, Africa at the invitation of Prisca Kambole to tour and visit PLAEP (Partners for Life Advancement and Education Promotion). Learn more about PLAEP here.

Trip Highlights

  • Toured PLAEP facilities & possible future campsites.
  • Met with volunteers, staff, and the PLAEP Board of Directors.
  • Witnessed PLAEP programs in action. 
  • Heard stories about what God is doing in and through PLAEP.

Learn More!

You may be asking yourself, 

  • “Why Zambia?” 
  • “Why PLAEP?”
  • “How did this come about?” 

Jeff & Trisha would love to share what God is up to in Zambia through PLAEP and what opportunities may await Camp Sonshine in the future. If you’d like to hear about their experiences in Zambia to book a time to chat!