Waldo Photos – 2 Great Options To Get Your Camper’s Photos!
- FREE GALLERY via Web Browser
- Wait until the end of your session and we’ll send you a link to our online Waldo Gallery! You can find your campers photos among all the photos we take during the week.
- Sign up for Waldo Facial Recognition Service on your Camp Sonshine online portalby Monday morning at 10 a.m.
- Monday or Tuesday you will receive a text message from Waldo Photos with instructions to upload a new photo of your camper and set up your account to get your camper’s photos sent to you throughout the week!
For more information about Waldo Photos, click here.
Contact Waldo Photos @ 512.456.9494 or campsupport@waldophotos.com
Camp Sonshine Office @ 402.423.8746 or info@campsonshinememories.org)
Waldo Photos Facial Recognition FAQs
Who's Waldo?
A photo-finding phenom who uses facial recognition to find all your day camper’s photos in the day camp albums and then delivers them to you via text message.
How does Waldo work?
You submit a NEW photo of your day camper’s face and enroll in the facial recognition service. Waldo does the rest – matching that photo to all the photos in our day camp albums and sending you all YOUR camper’s photos.
How do I sign up?
Sign up through Camp Sonshine (via your online portal or call the office). Waldo will send you a text message inviting you to the service! Follow the prompts to start receiving your camper’s photos texted to your phone.
I signed up. How do I get started?
Waldo will send you a text message on Monday or Tuesday of your session inviting you to enroll in the service. Just follow the prompts and start getting all your camper’s pics texted to your phone!
I didn't get a text message yet. What should I do?
You will receive a text by Monday or Tuesday of your session. If you do not have a text by Wednesday, feel free to contact Waldo at campsupport@waldophotos.com or call the office at 402.423.8746. But worry not, you will still receive all your camper’s photos from the week!
Will I get to see all the day camp photos in addition to the ones of my day camper?
Yes you will. When you download the free Waldo app, you can toggle between “My Photos” and “All Photos”. To see all the day camp photos, just click on All Photos and scroll to your heart’s desire.
Can I easily share all the photos with my family?
Great news for you. The Waldo app allows you to invite up to 5 family members to your day camper’s photo stream. That means they can get the same photo alerts and see all your day camper’s photos, too.
I signed up for the service but I’m not getting any matches yet. What’s Waldo doing?
Waldo is stressing. No photos can mean a couple things: 1) There are no photos of your day camper yet in the album or 2) Your submitted photo of your camper is blurry, dark, or unclear and Waldo is having a hard time matching it. Email campsupport@waldophotos.com for quick help or submit another photo. (Submit a new photo from the Waldo app by clicking on Faces and then the gearshift in top right).
Will Waldo share my photo or matched photos with the world?
No way! Waldo respects your privacy! Your photos will only be accessible by you. (And you had to enter your camp album code and a pin code verification to even access the photos.) It’s up to you whether you want to share your photos with the world.
Can I order prints?
Yep! You can order prints from the Waldo app.
For any other questions or concerns...
Contact Waldo Photos @ 512.456.9494 or campsupport@waldophotos.com
Camp Sonshine Office @ 402.423.8746 or info@campsonshinememories.org)